We are focused on understanding human behavior and abilities in complex systems and using Human-Systems Engineering methods to improve human performance, design of tools, machines, tasks, and systems, and ultimately to enhance the quality of life!.
Please visits our current Projects to find out more about HSI lab and see the Opportunities Page if you are interested to work with us.
- (Jul. 2021.) HSI lab in collaboration with ACELAB and Drs. Camille Peres and Robin Murphy have been awarded an NSF grant to study a Multi-disciplinary Computational Model of Worker, Task, and Context for Real-time Adaptive Procedural Systems. For more information regarding this award, please see: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2106963&HistoricalAwards=false
- HSI lab members, Summer 2021
- (Mar. 2021.) Dr. Zahabi has been awarded the NSF CAREER award to study Adaptive Driver Assistance Systems and Personalized Training for Law Enforcement Officers. For more information regarding this award, please see (https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2041889&HistoricalAwards=false)
- (Jul. 2020.) HSI lab in collaboration with Wichita State University has been awarded an NSF grant to develop seamless and inclusive location-based services for communities (Click here for more information)
- (May. 2020.) HSI lab has been awarded a grant from Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC) to study the advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) in police vehicles (Click here for more information)
- (Apr. 2020.) HSI lab’s collaborated research with TTI and NeuroErgonomics lab was featured on the Engineering News website and on EurekAlert today (Click here for more information)
- (Feb. 2020.) HSI lab research was featured in KBTX news (Click here for more information)
- (Feb. 2020.) Texas A&M researchers working to improve prosthetic devices (Click here for more information)
- (Jan. 2020.) 3 things you need to know about the new driving simulator (Click here for more information)
- (Jan. 2020.) Algorithms improve prosthetics for upper limb amputees (Click here for more information)
- (Nov. 2019.) HSI lab has been awarded a pilot project grant from North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center (NC OSHERC) (Click here for more information)
- (Oct. 2019.) HSI Lab has been awarded an NSF grant to study cognitive workload of electromyography (EMG)-based human-machine interfaces (Click here for more information)
- (Sep. 2019.) HSI lab in collaboration with HF&ML and HF&CS laboratories has purchased a state-of-the-art driving simulator! (Click here for more information)
- (Dec. 2018.) HSI Lab was Awarded a T3 Grant to Study Emergency Responder Interactions with In-vehicle Technologies (Click here for more information)